my colour short course is
now offered online through
Australia's National Art
School in Sydney! There's
a choice of two sessions to
suit every time zone. LINK
The Dimensions of Colour
Basics of Light and Shade
Basics of Colour Vision
Additive Mixing
Subtractive Mixing
Mixing of Paints
Lightness and Chroma
Brightness and Saturation
Principles of Colour
- Purves and Lotto
- Modern Colour Theory
- Traditional Colour Theory
- What is Color?
- Answers
- Colour Constancy Illusions
- The Colour Quiz
- What is a Colour?
- Colour Education
- Color Impact 2020
- Color Attributes
- Shillito portfolio
- Dimensions Today
- Index of Works
- Psychophysical
- Shillito Talk
- Elements of Colour
- Objects and Light
11.14 Index of Publicly Available Works
Collected below are links to most of my publicly accessible musings related to colour, apart from discussions on forums and the like. The list is limited to publicly available links, and so excludes resources available only to students of Understanding and Applying Colour, most reports for the Colour Society of Australia and its Members' newsletter e-Spectrum, peer reviews for journals including Color Research and Application, and presentations for which there are no published recordings or slides.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2023. Colours of Objects and Colours of Light..
Video recording of presentation:
Briggs, D.J.C., 2023. The Elements of Colour I: Colour Perceptions, Colour Stimuli, and Colour Measurement. Journal of the International Colour Association, 33, 79-96.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2023. The Elements of Colour II: The Attributes of Perceived Colour. Journal of the International Colour Association, 33, 97-118
Briggs, D.J.C., 2023. The Elements of Colour Invited webinar for the Design Institute of Australia, May 18, 2023.
Video recording of preentation:
Text of presentation: Text:
Briggs, D.J.C., 2023. Controlling Colour: Historical Background. CSA ICD 2023 presentation covering the Munsell system, its relationship to the six CIE-defined attributes of colour, the long series of steps leading up to it historically, and its reception in art and design education up to the mid-20th century.
Briggs, D.J.C, 2022. Introducing the Elements of Colour, a presentation for the AIC/ISCC Colour Literacy Project's 2nd Colour Literacy Forum, Teaching Colour Online, Friday September 30, 2022.
Hirschler, R., Briggs, D.J.C., Schwarz, A., and Westland, S., 2022. Contemporary Analysis of Traditional Colour Theory. Proceedings of the International Colour Association (AIC) Conference 2022, Toronto, Canada, pp. 185-191.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2022. Psychophysical Colour. Proceedings of the International Colour Association (AIC) Conference 2022, Toronto, Canada, pp. 427-434.
Video recording of presentation:
Text of presentation:
Briggs, D.J.C., and Fay, E., 2022. A Shillito Student Portfolio from the Mid-1940’s. Proceedings of the International Colour Association (AIC) Conference 2022, Toronto, Canada, pp. 248-255.
Video recording of presentation:
Text of presentation:
Briggs, D.J.C., 2022. The Dimensions of Colour Today Presented on March 20, 2022, as part of the Colour Society of Australia's International Colour Day 2022 event, Progress in Colour Education.
Video recording:
Briggs, D.J.C., 2022. The Colour Society of Australia. Member Profile for the International Colour Association (AIC) Quarterly Newsletter, Q1|2022, pp. 3-4.
Briggs, D.J.C. and Fay, E., 2022. A Shillito Student Portfolio from the Mid-1940’s. A study conducted jointly with Eva Fay FDIA that has been accepted for presentation at the AIC 2022 meeting, Toronto, Canada.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2021. More Than Three Dimensions: Communicating the Attributes of Colour Perception in Colour Education. Presented at the 14th AIC Congress Milan, September 1, 2021.
Published paper (pp. 1073-1078):
Video recording of presentation:
Text of presentation:
Briggs, D.J.C., 2021. Understanding and Applying Colour - Online. From a series of five-minute presentations for the AIC Study Group on Colour Education session Teaching Colour Virtually at the 14th Congress of the International Colour Association, Milan, September 1, 2021.
Video recording:
Briggs, D.J.C., 2021. Contribution to the Study Group on Arts and Design Virtual Exhibition at the 14th Congress of the International Colour Association, Milan, September 1, 2021, curated by Maria João Durão.
Exhibition catalogue (p. 7): First Edition of the SG Arts and Design Virtual Exhibition.pdf
More landscape paintings:
Briggs, D.J.C., 2021. Report on the 2nd Annual ISCC Symposium on Color Education, Perspectives in Color Education, Saturday, June 26, 2021.
Briggs, D.J.C. and di Cara, A. (editors), 2021. Abstracts and Biographical Notes, Colour Society of Australia national conference Colour Connections Sydney 2021, March 19-21, 2021.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2021. Four Key Insights about Colour. Colour Society of Australia national conference, Colour Connections Sydney 2021, March 19-21, 2021, Abstracts and Biographical Notes, pp. 25-27.
Abstract (pp. 25-27):
Video recording:
Briggs, D.J.C., 2021. Selected Glossary of Colour Terms. Entries made publicly accessible for use by the ISCC/AIC Colour Literacy Project, selected from an unpublished illustrated glossary of about 200 terms provided for students of Understanding and Applying Colour.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2020. Report on the ISCC Color Impact 2020 Virtual Symposium.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2020.
Video recording:
Briggs, D.J.C., 2020. What is a Colour? Scientific Opinion about Colour and Colour Measurement. CSA International Colour Day 2020 event, March 22, 2020, along with Derek Brown, U. Glasgow, speaking on Colour Subjectivisms: What, Why, and Which One?
Video recordings:
Version 1.1 with complete text:
Version 1.0 of presentation:
Briggs, D.J.C., 2020 - . The Colour Courses. Course information and optional further reading links for Understanding and Applying Colour, my public online course conducted through the National Art School, Sydney, four times per year beginning in February, April/May, July and October.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2020. Colour Online. A curated listing of about five hundred colour-related links produced for the ISCC/AIC Colour Literacy Project.
- 1 Basic Colour Attributes
- 2 The Physical Basis of Colour
- 3 Colour Vision
- 4 Light Mixing Processes
- 5 Colorants and Colorant Mixing
- 6 Colour Order Systems
- 7 Digital Colour Technology
- 8 Colour in Art and Design
- 9 Colour and Culture
- 10 History of Colour Studies
- 11 Colour Education
- 12 Further Information
Briggs, D.J.C., 2020. Chapter Nine, Colour Spaces, in Derek Brown and Fiona Macpherson (editors). The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Colour. Routledge, London. The handbook is a major statement of current views on the philosophy of colour, with contributions from most of the philosophers currently prominent in the field.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2019. Leonardo da Vinci on Colour, Light and Vision. My presentation for the Colour Society of Australia NSW Division marking the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, given on May 29th 2019.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2019. Unlocking the Structure of Colour. My part of a joint presentation with Annamaria di Cara FDIA for a Colour Society of Australia NSW Division event held as part of the Sydney Design Festival on March 6, 2019.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2019. The Art, Science and History of Colour Quiz. Three quite difficult short quizzes designed to highlight misconceptions about colour that are widespread even among colour specialists.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2018. Colour Constancy Illusions and Painting. Presentation for the Colour Society of Australia Melbourne 2018 Conference, Perception and Colour, September, 2018.
Video recording:
Briggs, D.J.C., 2018. The YouTube Theory of Colour Vision. Invited contribution to the Inter-Society Colour Council (USA) blog Hue Angles, edited by Michael Brill, based on part of my presentation Where is Color Education Now?.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2018. Where is Color Education Now? Invited presentation for the Inter Society Color Council (ISCC) Munsell Centennial Color Symposium, Boston, 2018.
Abstract (not included in slide pdf):
Briggs, D.J.C., 2018. Dimensions of Color for Artists. Poster presentation accompanying my invited "breakout" session of the same title for the Inter Society Color Council (ISCC) Munsell Centennial Color Symposium, Boston, 2018.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2018. The New Anatomy of Colour. A webinar given on March 21, 2018, for the Inter Society Color Council (ISCC) as their International Colour Day 2018 event.
Video recording (register to watch):
Briggs, D.J.C., 2018. The New Anatomy of Colour - David Briggs Webinar. An invited interview-style article with Maggie Maggio (uncredited) for the X-Rite Munsell Color blog edited by Danielle Correia.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2017-2020. Miscellaneous short video clips from my colour courses.
- Hue, Lightness and Chroma (04/11/2017)
- Paint Mixing Paths (04/11/2017)
Effect of Atmosphere on Colour [ Atmospheric Perspective ] (04/11/2017)
Spinning Disc (15/02/2019)
Colorimetry (21/09/2020)
Briggs, D.J.C., 2017. What do Purves and Lotto's Illusions Actually Show? Forerunner of Colour Constancy Illusions and Painting from 2018 (see above).
Briggs, D.J.C., 2017. Visual Dictionary of Colour. CSA NSW Division International Colour Day 2017 exhibit, National Art School, Sydney, March 21 24, 2017.
Catalogue of exhibit:
Event photos:
Briggs, D.J.C. and Westland, S. (2016, revised 2021). Itten, Johannes. In Luo, R. (editor), Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology. Springer.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2016. The Difference Between Chroma and Saturation. Another invited contribution to the X-Rite Munsell Color blog, edited at this time by Janette Pazer.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2016. Classics and Curiosities of Colour, an exhibition by the Colour Society of Australia NSW Division to celebrate International Colour Day 2016 at the National Art School, Sydney, March 2, 2016.
Promotional video:
Event photos:
Briggs, D.J.C., 2015. Traditional and Modern Colour Theory. Colour Society of Australia webinar, July 15, 2015.
Video recording:
Briggs, D.J.C., 2014. The Theory of Colour. A series of three public lectures at the Art Gallery of New South Wales, November 8, 15 and 29, 2014.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2014. Modern and “Traditional” Color Theory Parts I and II. Invited contribution for the X-Rite Munsell Color blog, edited by Noni Cavaliere.
Briggs, D.J.C., 2007 - . The Dimensions of Colour. Kindly published by, a collaboration between the University of North CarolinaChapel Hill‘s MetaLab and the Center for the Public Domain. The main body of The Dimensions of Colour largely dates from early 2017 or earlier, and my more recent work, including that presented in the "Afterthoughts" section at the end of the site, is indexed separately above or is currently only available as resources for students of Understanding and Applying Colour.
- 1 The Dimensions Introduced
1.1 Colours in Space
1.2 The Dimensions of What, Exactly? (added 15/1/17, revised 22/10/17)
1.3 The Dimensions of Colour: Lightness (added 16/1/17; edited 6/11/2018)
1.4 The Dimensions of Colour: Hue (added 21/1/17)
1.5 The Dimensions of Colour: Chroma (added 23/1/17)
1.6 The Dimensions of Colour: Brightness and Colourfulness (added 30/1/17)
1.7 The Dimensions of Colour: Saturation (added 31/1/17)
1.8 The Dimensions of Colour: Blackness and Brilliance (added 15/2/17)
- 2 Basics of Light and Shade
2.1 Specular and Diffuse Reflection
2.2 The Zone of Light
2.3 The Zone of Shadow
- 3 Basics of Colour Vision
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Trichomacy and Opponency (revised 08/10/11)
3.3 Adaptation and Successive Contrast
3.4 Colour Constancy
3.5 Simultaneous Contrast and Assimilation
3.6 What is Colour? (added 09/3/14)
3.7 Answers to "What is Colour"? (added 09/3/14)
- 4 Additive Mixing
4.1 Additive Primaries (revised 5/8/12)
4.2 Additive Mixtures (revised 5/8/12)
4.3 Additive Complementaries (revised 5/8/12)
4.4 Additive-Averaging and Pointillist Mixing (revised 2/4/20)
4.5 Object Colours (revised 5/8/12)
- 5 Subtractive Mixing
5.1 Subtractive Mixing (revised 13/8/12)
5.2 Ideal Subtractive Primaries (revised 12/8/12)
5.3 Subtractive Complementaries (revised 26/6/12)
- 6 Mixing of Paints
6.1 Mixing Paints (revised 2/11/12)
6.2 Primary Colours (revised 2/11/12)
6.3 Paint-mixing Principles (revised 2/11/12)
- 7 Hue
7.1 Hue from Aristotle to Newton (revised 15/4/13)
7.2 The RYB Hue Circle or Artist's Colour Wheel (revised 15/4/13)
7.3 Hue Systems Based on Opponent Colours (revised 28/7/13)
7.4 Hue Systems Based on Additive Complementaries
7.5 Hue Systems Based on Pigment-Mixing Complementaries
7.6 Orthogonal Systems
7.7 Warm and Cool Hues (revised 25/05/17)
- 8 Lightness and Chroma
8.1 Lightness
8.2 Chroma
8.3 Hue-Chroma-Lightness Colour Spaces
- 9 Brightness and Saturation
9.1 Brightness, Saturation and Colorfulness
9.2 RGB, CMY and CMYK Colour Space
9.3 HSB (=HSV) Colour Space
9.4 HLS (=HSL) and HSI Colour Space
- 10 Principles of Colour
10.1 Shading Series (revised 26/7/14)
10.2 Consistency of Relative Brightness
10.3 The Scale of Brilliance
10.4 Effect of Coloured Illumination
10.5 Effect of Multiple Light Sources
10.6 Effect of Distance From Light
10.7 Effect of Inclination to Light
10.8 Effects of Atmosphere
10.9 Applying the Principles in Paint